terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2009

Icarus - The unfinished clay model

That's me, in 1997, working on Icarus. But my time ran out and I didn't find the support to finish the piece.

Walls Wear Art says:
fantastic work!!
Posted 4 months ago. ( permalink | delete )
Kooklamou - Massachusetts, USA says:
Stunning!! The amount of detail and work you put into your pieces just astounds me!!! I'm in awe...... Just beautiful.....
Posted 4 months ago. ( permalink | delete )
LucaPetronella says:
sei veramente molto bravo!
Posted 4 months ago. ( permalink | delete )
MichelAngelo▲ says:
Thank you, Walls Wear Art!
Thank you very much, Kooklamou - Massachusetts, USA!
Grazie, LucaPetronella!
Posted 4 months ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )

Darth Daddoo says:
You are very gifted!
Posted 4 months ago. ( permalink | delete )
MichelAngelo▲ says:
Thank you very much, Darth Daddoo!
Posted 4 months ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )

PanicoWorkshop says:
hola miguelangelo me quede impresionado con tu trabajo. Es muy bueno el detalle en tus gigantografias. Pero veo en este trabajo que dejas expuestos unos tornillos sobre la arcilla. Cuando le haces en negativo no los sacas?
If you wont, I will ask you in inglish in other moment?
Posted 6 hours ago. ( permalink | delete )

MichelAngelo▲ says:
Hi PanicoWorkshop
I prefer to chat in english because I'm here to make myself known, specially among americans (they are my main public).
This work was not to intended to become a sculpture. The wood structure was developed to allow me a deep search on the geometric qualities of my little plaster model of Icarus.
See the set:
www.flickr.com/photos/poggi00/sets/7215761299 6465003/

And Icarus was created to establish a direct aesthetic dialog with the Rebel Slave. I was in a search for a very particular anatomic detail that would a be proof of my identity. Did you get my point?
See the set:
www.flickr.com/photos/poggi00/sets/7215761294 2001457/

And I did it. The proof was found.
Next year I will finish the translation of a summarized version of my documentary film Icarus, Contemplation & Dream.

quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2009

Lambrini Milona I get your point and I am amazed by the way you put it. Art is something that "exploded" in you...
Your nudes move according the secret aesthetic rules... a viewer gets an impression of dynamics and harmony that can't be explained by logical analysis... they can "only" be felt...
People will always misunderstand something that is beyond their perception...
MichelAngelo BuonaRoti To be perfectly honest, Lambrini, a falling body has more in common with my nudes than a perfect ride of a surfer. My nudes are idealized human forms where every movement has an aesthetic-geometric definition. And I create them by intuition. The visual aspect of my nudes are far beyond the natural human body. The language of my art identity comes from the well known greek-roman sculpture. But the misunderstanding starts when people think this is my choice in art. They don't believe on it as my natural gift. How can I explain to them that I never chose art once in my life? My goal in life was exactly to investigate my natural art as a proof of the transcendent.

Pikeman In Action

Pikeman In Action, originally uploaded by MichelAngelo▲.

Lambrini Milona Yes, MichelAngelo, I've sensed the similarity of the body movements :-) In the past, I've put some of your drawings below your surfing photos to show how obvious it is...
Look, how incredibly relative they are! Nothing is accidental!...

The Passion Of A Life

The Passion Of A Life, originally uploaded by MichelAngelo▲.

Lambrini Milona Yes, MichelAngelo, I've sensed the similarity of the body movements :-) In the past, I've put some of your drawings below your surfing photos to show how obvious it is...
Look, how incredibly relative they are! Nothing is accidental!...

The Resurrection - Study for a figure

The Resurrection - Study for a figure
Lambrini Milona Yes, MichelAngelo, I've sensed the similarity of the body movements :-) In the past, I've put some of your drawings below your surfing photos to show how obvious it is...
Look, how incredibly relative they are! Nothing is accidental!...

The Passion Of A Life

The Passion Of A Life, originally uploaded by MichelAngelo▲.

Lambrini Milona Yes, MichelAngelo, I've sensed the similarity of the body movements :-) In the past, I've put some of your drawings below your surfing photos to show how obvious it is...

Lambrini Milona Yes, MichelAngelo, I've sensed the similarity of the body movements :-) In the past, I've put some of your drawings below your surfing photos to show how obvious it is...
Look, how incredibly relative they are! Nothing is accidental!...
MichelAngelo BuonaRoti Thank you very much, Lambrini! At least, I'm doing what the gods demanded me to do!:-)
No matter what people think of me, I'm just a surfer. Forever! But have you ever noticed that the surfer' bodys movements surrounded with all that blue color reminds some areas of The Last Jugment? Wierd connection…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTRIZZEXmFU&feature=related

sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2009

Fair Use!!!!

This is a very strange situation. YouTube has notified me that the audio's right of my video The Messiah (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD597DOsAvk) is owned by Sony Music. And what YouTube and Sony Music decided to do? They are simply showing ads next to my video. If Sony Music don't mind that I show my art using the music of its artists, why Germany decided to block it?
My situation is a clear case of "Fair Use": there is no profit and I'm attracting the youngest to art in the most effective way.
I would be very happy to work with them (YouTube, Sony Music and Germany) but they prefered to take advantage on me or just to segregate me.
Now I ask everybody: who is committing a crime?

sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2009

The Resurrection - Study for a figure - The Rapture

Graphite pencil on paper. 1990.

See the video:


The Resurrection is a Sculpture Project.
If you are interested on give me any support to this sculpture project, please, email me. I will explain to you all details about the making of that huge artwork: poggi00@gmail.com

Estou buscando apoio para a execução deste gigantesco projeto de escultura. Se quiser saber de mais detalhes, por favor, me envie um email: poggi00@gmail.com

Carnival 2010 - The Hindu Dancer

Carnival 2010 - The Hindu Dancer, upload feito originalmente por MichelAngelo▲.

Styrofoam sculpture for Salgueiro Samba School.
November, 2009. Making Of.