sábado, 21 de maio de 2011

Comments on Facebook - 1

Retrato. Portrait.1992.

Este sou eu, em 26 de junho de 1992. Eu já tinha achado a distorção na proporção do Ícaro que poderia ser verificada na cópia em gesso do Escravo Rebelde no Museu Nacional de Belas Artes.

That's me, in 1992. I had already found the proportion distortion in Icarus that I could verify in the Rebel Slave plaster copy at the museum.

On Facebook:

Lambrini Milona: you've got an interesting expression... makes me wonder what you might have been thinking about..

MichelAngelo BuonaRoti: Certainly, I was thinking about the meaning of the dreams of 1983. I had just met the first girl who had been described in a dream of 1983.
In 1983, the girl (called Monica) who I projected the remembering of Vittoria Colonna, showed up in countless dreams. At that time, I didn't understand what was happening to me. This photo was taken in the period of time when I finally discovered that there was a lot of premonition behind the sequence of dreams in 1983. The emotional turmoil of that year had a hidden meaning that would be unfold through life. And I'm still living it. :D

Lambrini Milona: Thank you, MichelAngelo, for unfolding your story... You are a big enigma and I love the way you discover and share the meanings of the signs... so I am watching and reading quietly in amazement... & sending positive energy*

MichelAngelo BuonaRoti: The funny behind my "enigma" is that in fact no interpretation of dreams, neither synchronicities or supernatural experiences are needed to understand it. It's very simple what lead me to art and to do what I'm doing now. Lets put it in the very basics: in february of 1983, I felt a strong emotion related to the name of Vittoria Colonna. Since that experience, I couldn't stop crying everytime I tryed to explain what was happening to me. I couldn't even read anything related to Vittoria without crying. After explaining what was my emotional disorder on that time (it last for 17 years!), I ask you, Lambrini, to check out the historical events of the last day of Vittoria Colonna. Just do it. Check out who was standing beside her to the very end (everybody else were already killed or being tortured by the Inquisiton). I think that this little fragment of my story is enough to explain my entire life. I'm here, at the internet, making this effort to write in english because I need to transform everyone in witnesses of what I'm living. I feel that you have a great heart and I great understanding and I couldn't ever miss the chance to explain myself to people like you. God bless you, Lambrini. :)

Lambrini Milona: Thank you so much, MichelAngelo, for your kind words! I will search the info you navigate me to....
Lambrini Milona: God bless You, too!

MichelAngelo BuonaRoti: Seriously, Lambrini, the only thing in life that really matters to me now is the revealing of every single detail of Vittoria Colonna's death. I need this to finally understand what happened in Rome, in 1547, that blocked my entire life as Eurico Poggi. As long as I remember, after a period of fasting, Vittoria was skin and bones. She was doing so believing that a huge penitence would free her from the charges of the Inquisition. It seemed that the cardinals would forgive her and everything would be alright. But suddenly I was informed that she was dead and I remember people trying to convince me that Vittoria was very sick. At that point, my present life begins. In 1983, I had to admit to myself that I was Michelangelo himself because of the unexplained emotional disorder related to the name Vittoria Colonna. In 1986, I got aware that my identity as Michelangelo was a reality since my childhood, my parents knew it and supernatural images showing Vittoria was everywhere. But the remembering of the exact moment of her death drove me crazy. I remembered that I went out of control while people around me tried to explain her sickness. I promise you, Lambrini, if one day these scenes in my mind matches with historical evidences, my revenge on the Catholic Church will have no limits. I will use all my skills and knowledge to fuck them. By now, I wrote a book with partial revealings of the Ceiling and I decided to keep myself entrenched, waiting for the attacks from the public opinion. I'm restarting with my art and big surprises are about to come. In my book I'm accusing the Catholic Church for the murder of Vittoria Colonna. I want a deep research on her remains to see if there's any substance that could have poisoned her. I don't know what is going to happen to me and I don't give a shit about that. Since I'm assuming my spiritual art and identity, it's impossible to live without thinking about Vittoria Colonna. Please, Lambrini, if you find out anything related to my spiritual trauma, just send it to me. Any miserable detail can enlighten my life and a new beginning will be possible. Thank you very much for your interest on my story. Big Hug! : )

Lambrini Milona: I gladly accept and return a big hug, MichelAngelo...Your message is charged with energy. I'm trying to imagine what you have been going through to feel like writing like that. Mystery attracts me in some way and you are one of the mysteries I have come across in my life so far. If I find anything interesting about Colonna, I'll let you know. Btw, I've also started Italian lessons some time ago... 'cause Italian sounds "familiar" to me...

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