sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011
Comments on Facebook - 3
MichelAngelo BuonaRoti on Jeffrey Rafuse's photo: Sky, clouds and the sun… all of them have a deep meaning to me. In 2008, during the production of my doc film, I was in a hurry to finish it, and in just one day I made all the external filming. I had never pointed my camera to the sky before that day. When I did so, the clouds were looking like wings. It was impossible to stop the tears from dropping. I was organizing the telling of my story, where I found myself as some kind of Icarus, whose melting wings was a stolen magic surfboard. This was one the photos:
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: Wow, I have goose bumps here brother. There is some type of connection then, between us...who knows what, but the sky photos and your experience that I absorbed on your documentary of The Icarus Experience...is shifting in some way. I'm very spiritual myself...so I believe everything that happens to me, and the people around me, is working in a type of dance of life...energy that is flowing from one person to the next, and throughout the universe. I went down to that spot today, because I felt drawn to do that. I was there a week ago, and slipped in between to big rocks, and my whole leg went down, an my ankle was jammed...had to pull it free, and heal it. One of my best friends in life, mentor and former President of a medical communications firm, lives now in Brazil with his wife. He is a born and raised California surfer, and public relations, among many other things is his art...really, the list is too long to explain how amazing he is. Maybe there is a connection here for some reason, that can get your story more of a voice internationally.
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: I need to ask you...why is the ankle of your sculpture broke, and your holding it up to the sculpture in the one photo. I have had 5 injuries on my right anlke over the past year...3 twisting it walking my dog Bubby, and one a 200 lb block of ice fell on it as i was unloading it at the winter carnaval, and last week the 5th was jammed between the rocks...
MichelAngelo BuonaRoti: Who knows, dude… who knows… I just can't miss a chance to explain myself no matter how many misunderstandings and disbelieves I will get in return. The important to me is to go public in the right way. There's no seeking for artistic sucess, nor fame and fortune, neither personal marketing for professional purposes behind my behavior. Only when everybody see what I'm going to expose as street art they will feel that I'm serious in my spiritual "war". I know that. But there's no anxiety in my daily routine. Since 2008 and to the very end, everybody will see me, telling my story, explaining myself, and expressing the art that was revealed among an uncanny movement of my hand. I just want to show that I'm not following any rational choice, just the beat of my heart.
MichelAngelo BuonaRoti: My sculpture didn't break, Jeffrey. In the begining of the film I wanted to suggest that there's something in my life that I'm not going to leave behind unexplained. The clay model was cutted in parts to the making of the plaster model. But if you are getting some new meaning in these scenes, I will enjoy to hear it from you.
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: As I mentioned when you first introduced me to your story, im am very interested in this, and I believe in what your doing 100%. I believe that this should become international news...l will do all I can to help you brother.
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: Well, the sky and clouds are one connection; and one of the old cloud pictures match a part of my clouds; my ankle has been injured many times and I have healed my self every time; and your a surfer and my friend is and he is a pro at getting a story told...and he is in Brazil... Your right, who knows what all this means at the present...but we mainly need to get your story out to the mass media...as soon as we can.
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.226568157388008.79884.100001044762412&type=1#!/photo.php?fbid=1811310174471&set=a.1811309974466.2084194.1591500175&type=1&theater
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: That inclusion of your story on the post is the 23rd comment, and I was born November 23rd...and 23 is a very amazing number.
MichelAngelo BuonaRoti: Now I'm thinking… When I started shooting the opening sequence of Icarus, Contemplation & Dream, I didn't know exactly what to show. I wanted to reveal that my life had reached an exhaustion point. I made five different sequences to the edition work. It was insane to do it all alone. I knew that there was an unconsciousness process taking place when I noticed the synchronic relation of past and present. The number of elements linking to each other was imense. From time to time, I had to stop the work because of the emotion. The understanding of the past and the spiritual dimension that my life is imersed left me crying so many times that I thought that would impossible to finish the film. Today, it's a relief to know how to live my spiritual side: telling my story and expressing my art no matter how many difficult I'm facing. Thank you, Jeffrey, for the opportunity of explaining myself. One day, these two sulptures, The Deposition and he Apollo, shown in the opening sequence, will be casted in metal… And the meaning of everything will be different… Thanks, Jeffrey!
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: Wow, I have goose bumps here brother. There is some type of connection then, between us...who knows what, but the sky photos and your experience that I absorbed on your documentary of The Icarus Experience...is shifting in some way. I'm very spiritual myself...so I believe everything that happens to me, and the people around me, is working in a type of dance of life...energy that is flowing from one person to the next, and throughout the universe. I went down to that spot today, because I felt drawn to do that. I was there a week ago, and slipped in between to big rocks, and my whole leg went down, an my ankle was jammed...had to pull it free, and heal it. One of my best friends in life, mentor and former President of a medical communications firm, lives now in Brazil with his wife. He is a born and raised California surfer, and public relations, among many other things is his art...really, the list is too long to explain how amazing he is. Maybe there is a connection here for some reason, that can get your story more of a voice internationally.
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: I need to ask you...why is the ankle of your sculpture broke, and your holding it up to the sculpture in the one photo. I have had 5 injuries on my right anlke over the past year...3 twisting it walking my dog Bubby, and one a 200 lb block of ice fell on it as i was unloading it at the winter carnaval, and last week the 5th was jammed between the rocks...
MichelAngelo BuonaRoti: Who knows, dude… who knows… I just can't miss a chance to explain myself no matter how many misunderstandings and disbelieves I will get in return. The important to me is to go public in the right way. There's no seeking for artistic sucess, nor fame and fortune, neither personal marketing for professional purposes behind my behavior. Only when everybody see what I'm going to expose as street art they will feel that I'm serious in my spiritual "war". I know that. But there's no anxiety in my daily routine. Since 2008 and to the very end, everybody will see me, telling my story, explaining myself, and expressing the art that was revealed among an uncanny movement of my hand. I just want to show that I'm not following any rational choice, just the beat of my heart.
MichelAngelo BuonaRoti: My sculpture didn't break, Jeffrey. In the begining of the film I wanted to suggest that there's something in my life that I'm not going to leave behind unexplained. The clay model was cutted in parts to the making of the plaster model. But if you are getting some new meaning in these scenes, I will enjoy to hear it from you.
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: As I mentioned when you first introduced me to your story, im am very interested in this, and I believe in what your doing 100%. I believe that this should become international news...l will do all I can to help you brother.
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: Well, the sky and clouds are one connection; and one of the old cloud pictures match a part of my clouds; my ankle has been injured many times and I have healed my self every time; and your a surfer and my friend is and he is a pro at getting a story told...and he is in Brazil... Your right, who knows what all this means at the present...but we mainly need to get your story out to the mass media...as soon as we can.
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.226568157388008.79884.100001044762412&type=1#!/photo.php?fbid=1811310174471&set=a.1811309974466.2084194.1591500175&type=1&theater
Jeffrey Rafuse Sculptor: That inclusion of your story on the post is the 23rd comment, and I was born November 23rd...and 23 is a very amazing number.
MichelAngelo BuonaRoti: Now I'm thinking… When I started shooting the opening sequence of Icarus, Contemplation & Dream, I didn't know exactly what to show. I wanted to reveal that my life had reached an exhaustion point. I made five different sequences to the edition work. It was insane to do it all alone. I knew that there was an unconsciousness process taking place when I noticed the synchronic relation of past and present. The number of elements linking to each other was imense. From time to time, I had to stop the work because of the emotion. The understanding of the past and the spiritual dimension that my life is imersed left me crying so many times that I thought that would impossible to finish the film. Today, it's a relief to know how to live my spiritual side: telling my story and expressing my art no matter how many difficult I'm facing. Thank you, Jeffrey, for the opportunity of explaining myself. One day, these two sulptures, The Deposition and he Apollo, shown in the opening sequence, will be casted in metal… And the meaning of everything will be different… Thanks, Jeffrey!
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