domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013

Tifereth ↔ Kether (Top Arc of Tifereth / Arco Superior de Tifereth)

This is the arc at the top of Tifereth.

"Kether is raw energy as the Godhead and is as such unknowable by the conscious mind; Tiphareth (the son) balances the force and form of Kether and Yesod respectively allowing Kether to assume a knowable form."
"Tiferet is associated in the soul with the power to reconcile the conflicting inclinations of chesed and gevurah so as to allow for focused compassion, thus accounting for its designation in Kabbalah as midat harachamim ("the attribute of mercy"). The beauty of tiferet manifests itself through the elegant blend of emotive gesture implicit within its expression."
About Tifereth:
Minha tradução:
"Tifereth está associada na alma com o poder de reconciliar as inclinações conflitantes de Chesed e Geburah, de modo a permitir a compaixão focada, o que representa para a sua designação na Cabala como midat harachamim (" o atributo da misericórdia "). A beleza de Tifereth manifesta-se através da mistura elegante de gesto emotivo implícita na sua expressão. "
About Kether:

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