quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2009

Icarus - Geometric Structure

The battle between the normal logic of being and the madness that I was involved in took place. The result of this battle is the wood structure called Icarus (this sculpture was created to allow me an accurate comparison with the Rebel Slave), where I found a lot of 3-dimensional qualities defining my natural identity with Michelangelo

Ype wood, screws and plastic wire netting. 1986-96.

jorge rendon alverdi says:
processo muito interessante
Posted 4 months ago. ( permalink | delete )

petunia_rocks01 says:
this sculpture is amazing and the pictures don't do it justice! i would love to see this in person!
Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink | delete )

MichelAngelo▲ says:
Era um processo, jorge… but, later, it was transformed in a sculpture.
Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )

MichelAngelo▲ says:
Thanks for your words, petunia_rocks01. This piece is at PUC-Rio (Pontifícia Universidade Católica - Rio De Janeiro).

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