quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2011

25 de fevereiro de 1983 - O esfacelamento da realidade

Tabea-Jane (7 days ago)
Hello MichelAngelo, I wish, I can understand this language and english (I know only a little).
I'm curious to learn about your life. I would like to read your book.
Best wishes and greetings from Germany for you!

MichelAngelo▲ (5 days ago)
Hi Tabea-Jane. Google translator is getting better, but the text above is not easy to be understood by non-native. Google translator is good for short and direct phrases. Probably the translation english-german would work well, since my english is not sophisticated. The text I'm sending you was taken from one I wrote to another european friend. It's the best I can do by now. Unfortunately, I'm not famous enough to see my book translated to german soon.
In 1983, when I "decided" to go deep inside myself to understand everything and to see if the Michelangelo's stuff inside me was for real, I had no expectations (did I have a choice after the remembering of Vittoria's death?). I had my beliefs (Bhagavad Gita and Buddhism) but I kept my mind openned to what was going to be revealed to me. The most shocking things were the remembering of passages of my childhood showing disturbing scenes and visions about my identity as Michelangelo. 1st: my guilty about Vittoria was always inside me ever since. 2nd: my parents were always aware about my spiritual identity, what explained their strange behavior during the 80's (they were the only two people that didn't show any surprise with my sudden talent for art – my mother desperately fought against my interest on art! Why was that???)
But I only believed on my spiritual reality after 20 years of suffering. It has nothing to do with any reincarnation explanation that I ever read.
Summarizing it specially for you: the life of Carlos Eurico Poggi was given to the soul of Michelangelo just to his final encounter with Vittoria (this can have a metaphoric meaning). In 1983, I couldn't believe that my biological mind (Carlos Eurico Poggi) was not my real identity. But since 1979, after my surfboard got stolen, I notice that my life was being "modified". Somehow I knew how my life as Carlos Eurico Poggi was going to be (the surfboard never got stolen in the "original version" of my life!). I don't know how to say this to you, but Carlos Eurico Poggi lived a happy and well-succeded life as a pro surfboard shaper. Our present days had already happened in some other dimension. We are living in an alternative reality. I know that sounds weird but I'm tired of seeing it be proved.
In 1986, the limits of my life for having Michelangelo's soul was revealed to me thousands times. I didn't accept them. I didn't believe on them. And I did everything to be Carlos Eurico Poggi. By the year of 2007, I started giving up on that attempt. I was in a self destruction process. I was commiting a very slow suicide. The limits are real! I had no other choice than accepting my spiritual reality.
Behind all that, there's a powerful religious energy that I would classified it as christian. Do you know that my only recorded dialogue with Vittoria was written in portuguese? The portuguese language is an essencial part of my spiritual manifestation. What brought me back demands me to speak portuguese because of the spiritual destiny of what's happening today. I'm not a reincarnation. I'm a final return from the deads.
(Translate this text to german and see if the meaning makes sense. If it doesn't and you are curious about something, make me any question you want)

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