terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010

The War Of MABUS - The Old Pothead Lady - 2

Pikeman In Action, originally uploaded by MichelAngelo▲.

I was intended to post many aspects about the discussion with this idiot that I called The Old Pothead Lady. But I came to the conclusion that the texts would be useless in reaching a deep debate about me. She has no knowledge about sculpture. Check out what she said about the Pietá:

" … finessed, detailed. You see everything that you would if a person was standing there in the place of a statue."

Does anybody could tell me where is the huge mistake in her assertion about the Pietá?
It's very simple: if you put a natural body in the place of the dead Christ for an example, the Virgin Mary should be a giant woman (a little bit less than 8 feet - 2,40 meters). I know that some female basketball players can be very tall, but it's doubtfull if all the proportions will create the same visual effect of the Pietá. We can say the same to the natural male body that would be replacing the dead Christ. A lot of slight distortions on the natural body's features are necessary to reach the 3D impact of the main view. All those guidelines about classic sculpture are very well known basics. There are no deep secrets behind the making of the Pietá. But there are others sculpture works with complex anatomic rearrangements.
This idiot, The Old Pothead Lady, wants to deny my identity just using her rhetoric. There are so many contradictions in her text that I decided to forget her. She doesn't even imagine what was the goal of my art in that time. The copy of the natural body was not the result I was looking for. My passion was to create a metaphoric rebuilt of the human figure inspired by the greek and roman antiques. At that time, in the italian Renaissanse, I was always studing statues just for that purpose, but I used to make studies of live models and corpses as well. Today, I work only with my intuition, and this makes a big difference in the result. My self recognition as Michelangelo himself does not come from my art. It comes from painful memories. Emotional things that stupid people will never understand. I have better things to do than arguing with assholes like this Old Pothead Lady.

To find out why I called her The Old Pothead Lady, check out the whole discussion:

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