segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013

25 of February

25 of February. 1979.
It was the last sunday of february in 1979 when I saw the unbelievable stealing of my magic surfboard. Why it was unbelievable? Because I swear that I knew how my life would happen and there would never be a stolen magic surfboard. And I would never start drawing like an old master of the Italian Renaissance two years later. It was insane when I was running after my surfboard on that hot sand! I remember images flashing in my mind showing how my life would be… if that surfboard was not stolen. The sucessful carreer as a surfboard designer, two marriages and a extremely happy end of life. There wasn't anything about myself as a reincarnated Michelangelo always remembering Vittoria Colonna's death. At the end of that day, 25 of February, 1979, I knew deep inside myself that I was entering in an entire new universe. I remember how I was scared when I was crying, and a friend didn't understand such despair.
My despair was because of a "feeling" revealing me that surf would not be part of my life anymore. My despair was because of a "voice" telling me, during the running on the hot sand: "you have to understand who you are". I simply knew that the life I was dreaming of was fucked forever. But I was determined to repress the supernatural that was inside myself.
25 of February. 1983.
I don't know what exactly happen in 25 of february, 1983. Maybe it was the day that I read the sentence on the book confirming that I saw Vittoria on the day she died. I became too confused after the remembering of her death on the first week of february. I was in a self-discovering process that would decide my entire life.
The problem about this date, 25 of february, I would find out in1986: it was the consciousness of my guilty about Vittoria Colonna's death. People think that her leadership among the Spirituali group decided her destiny. But the actual situation had nothing to do with Teology. She would have been a very precious figure to the Church as a repentant rebel.
The fact: me and Vittoria were like married. People knew that was her portrait beside Christ on The Last Judgment. People knew that she was a kind of co-author of The Last Judgment. This huge scandal was about to happen when the Church's criminals decided to suppress every related issue by force and violence. Everyone was forced to keep absolute silence or you would face the death penalty.
The scene of her death was a theatrical fake to be shown to Rome's society. The remembrance of my surprise and my reaction in front her dead body revealed the situation and have been haunting me since 1986.

25 de fevereiro, 1979.
Era o último domingo de fevereiro, 1979, quando o inacreditável roubo da minha prancha mágica aconteceu. Por que era inacreditável? Porque eu juro que sabia como a minha vida iria acontecer e que nunca haveria uma prancha mágica roubada. E eu nunca iria começar a desenhar como um velho mestre da Renascença italiana dois anos depois. Foi loucura quando corria atrás da minha prancha naquela areia quente! Lembro-me de flashes de imagens em minha mente mostrando como seria a minha vida ... se a prancha não fosse roubada. A carreira bem sucedida como designer de prancha de surf, dois casamentos e um final de vida muito feliz. Não havia nada me mostrando como Michelangelo
reencarnado e sempre lembrando a morte de Vittoria Colonna. No final daquele dia, 25 de fevereiro de 1979, eu sabia lá no fundo que estava entrando em um universo novo. Eu me lembro do medo enquanto chorava, e um amigo não entendia tal desespero. 
O meu desespero era por causa de um "sentimento" que me revelava que o surf não seria mais parte da minha vida. O meu desespero era por causa de uma "voz" que me disse durante a corrida na areia quente: "você tem que entender quem você é". Eu simplesmente sabia que a vida que sonhava para mim estava fodida para sempre. Mas eu estava determinado a reprimir o sobrenatural dentro de mim.
25 de fevereiro, 1983.
Eu não sei exatamente o que aconteceu em 25 de fevereiro de 1983. Talvez tenha sido o dia em que li a frase no livro confirmando que vi Vittoria no dia em que morreu. Fiquei completamente perturbado após a lembrança da morte dela na primeira semana de fevereiro. Eu estava em um processo de auto-descoberta que iria decidir a minha vida inteira.
O problema sobre esta data, 25 de fevereiro, eu iria descobrir em 1986: era a consciência da minha culpa nos eventos que levaram Vittoria Colonna à
morte. As pessoas pensam que a liderança dela no grupo chamado Spirituali decidiu seu destino, mas a situação real não tinha nada a ver com Teologia. Ela teria sido uma figura muito preciosa para a Igreja como uma rebelde arrependida.
O fato: eu e Vittoria eramos como casados. As pessoas sabiam que era o retrato dela ao lado de Cristo no Juízo Final. As pessoas sabiam que ela era uma espécie de co-autora do Juízo Final. Este enorme escândalo estava prestes a acontecer quando os criminosos da Igreja decidiram abafar tudo na base da força e da violência. Todo mundo foi obrigado a manter silêncio absoluto ou teria de enfrentar a pena de morte.
A cena da morte de Vittoria Colonna foi uma farsa teatral exibida para a sociedade de Roma. A lembrança da minha surpresa e reação diante do corpo morto dela revelou a situação e isso me assombra a vida desde 1986.

quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013

Tifereth➔Yesod / Anahata➔Manipura

More sex on the Sistine Ceiling. =D
Here the symbolic journey to understand the Sistine Ceiling begins.
Here I painted the most clear representation of the Kundalini serpent to state my vision about its awakening: it must start from the heart. I put a self-portrait near to the Om symbol just to point out the symbolic significance of this scene to the whole Ceiling.
My intention with the Temptation and Expulsion scene was also to show the transcendence of the entire process of sexual interaction between male and female.There is the preliminary sex, as oral sex: Eva was sucking Adam's penis and stopped to pick the fruit. Penetration: the tree itself is a penis and the vagina is the coiled snake. And after the sexual act, male and female begin to walk. They are born of the very consciousness of sexual identity.
The sword pointing to the back of Adam's head reveals the destiny of his and Eve's journey: Da'at, or knowledge, in the final union of male and female.
This scene of Adam and Eve walking together has to be understood as the creation of the physical world of space-time, the beginning of birth and rebirth: the cycle of reincarnation.
The idea of reincarnation is revealed at the root of the tree: the Hindu symbol Om.
The painting directly linked to "Temptation and Expulsion", "Sacrifice of Noah," it's a clear explanation of the Hindu origin of Christianity.

This is lower arc of Tifereth, where it reflects Yesod.
This is Anahata's connection with Manipura through the Hrit chackra.

Mais sexo no Teto da Capela Sistina. =D
Aqui, a jornada simbólica para entender o teto da Capela Sistina começa.
Aqui, eu pintei a mais clara representação da serpente Kundalini para declarar a minha visão sobre o seu despertar: ele deve partir do coração. Eu pintei um auto-retrato junto ao símbolo hindu Om para salientar o significado simbólico deste ponto da pintura para o teto inteiro.
A minha intenção com a cena da Tentação e Expulsão era também mostrar a transcendência de todo o processo de interação sexual entre macho e fêmea.Temos as preliminares do sexo, como o sexo oral: Eva estava chupando o pênis de Adão e parou para pegar o fruto. A penetração: a árvore em si é um pênis e a cobra enrolada é a vagina. E depois do ato sexual, macho e fêmea começam a caminhada. Eles nascem da própria consciência de identidade sexual.
A espada apontando a parte de trás da cabeça de Adão revela o destino de sua viagem e a de Eva: Da'at, ou seja, o conhecimento, na união final de masculino e feminino.
Esta cena de Adão e Eva caminhando juntos tem que ser entendida como a criação do mundo físico, do espaço-tempo, do início de nascimentos e renascimentos: o ciclo das reencarnações.
A idéia do início das reencarnações está revelada na raiz da árvore: o símbolo hindu Om.
Na pintura diretamente ligada à "Tentação e Expulsão", "O Sacrifício de Noé", eu coloquei de forma muito clara a origem hindu do cristianismo.

Este é o arco inferior de Tifereth, refletindo Yesod.
Esta é a ligação de Anahata com Manipura através do chackra Hrit.

References / Referências:

terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013

30 years ago… / 30 anos atrás…

30 years ago, on the second half of february, the impact of these words cannot be translated. After the reading of these words I entered in some kind of altered state. I was at a book store, downtown of Rio de Janeiro, late afternoon, and decided to walk. I lost my memory. When I finally got at home it was late night. The first thing that I went to see was the weird drawings that I was making since 1981. They were badly packed in a drawer, most of them cut in pieces. For two years those drawings only made me feel an unbelivable strangeness. But now, february of 1983, I could understand the nostalgia I felt when moving my hand to outline those human forms. And I fell to my knees, shamed with myself, and I it was the most painful crying that I ever remember.
I have to say that the emotional experience of remembering Vittoria's death was far beyond my juvenile reality. The comprehension offered by these words could seem foolish today when compared to the ocean of self-discovering that I went through on the following years. But it's not.
Reminding me today of who I was at 22, that young man is like an old friend who I never saw again. And on this 30 years celebration, I really want to say something to him, the 22 year-old Eurico:

30 anos atrás, na segunda metade de fevereiro, o impacto destas palavras não podem ser traduzido. Após a leitura destas palavras eu entrei em algum tipo de estado alterado. Eu estava em uma loja de livros, no centro do Rio de Janeiro, no final da tarde, e após ler isto decidi andar. Eu perdi a memória. Quando finalmente cheguei em casa era tarde da noite. A primeira coisa que fui ver eram os desenhos estranhos que eu fazia desde 1981. Eles estavam mal acondicionados em uma gaveta, a maioria deles cortados em pedaços. Por dois anos, esses desenhos só me fizeram sentir uma inacreditável estranheza. Mas agora, fevereiro de 1983, eu podia entender a saudade sentida quando movia a minha mão para delinear formas humanas. E eu caí de joelhos, envergonhado de mim mesmo, e foi o choro mais doloroso de que me lembro.
A experiência emocional de lembrar a morte de Vittoria estava muito além da minha realidade juvenil. A compreensão oferecida por essas palavras pode parecer tola hoje, quando comparada ao oceano de auto-descobertas que enfrentei nos anos seguintes. Mas não é.
Lembrando-me, hoje, de quem eu era aos 22 anos, sinto aquele jovem como um velho amigo que nunca mais vi. E hoje, ao lembrar do que ele passou, eu queria muito dizer algo para aquele garoto de 22 anos. Ao jovem Eurico de 22 anos:

sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013

This is Yesod!!! / Isto é Yesod!!!

The sephirah of Yesod translates spiritual concepts into actions that unite us with God.It is often associated with the Moon, because it is the sphere which reflects the light of all the other sephirot into Malkuth, and it is associated with the sexual organs, because it is here that the higher spheres connect to the earth.It plays the role of collecting and balancing the different and opposing energies of Hod and Netzach, and also from Tiferet above it, storing and distributing it throughout the world. It is likened to the 'engine-room' of creation.

A sephirat Yesod traduz conceitos espirituais em ações que nos unem com Deus. Yesod é freqüentemente associada com a Lua, porque é a esfera que reflete a luz de todos os outros sephirot em Malkuth (O mundo da matéria). Yesod está associada com os órgãos sexuais porque é aqui que as esferas superiores se conectam a Terra. Yesod desempenha o papel de coletar e equilibrar as energias diferentes e opostas das sephirot Hod e Netzach, e também de Tiferet acima, armazenando e distribuindo-o por todo o mundo. Ela é comparada à "sala de máquinas" da criação.

quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013

This is Swadhisthana!!! / Isto é Swadhisthana!!!

The reference used to create The Great Flood was not exactly that, but it was very similar. The main thing to be shown is how I followed the Kundalini illustrations to develop the scenes of my Kabbalah's Tree of Life. The solution to mix Yesod with Swadhisthana is the way the sexual organs are hidden. I wanted to show the ongoing sexual act in every detail in order to translate the real meaning of this painting on the Sistine Ceiling.

A referência utilizada para compor o Dilúvio Universal não foi exatamente esta, mas era muito semelhante. Quero mostrar apenas como segui as ilustrações da Kundalini para desenvolver a minha Árvore da Vida, da Cabala. A solução para misturar Swadhisthana com Yesod foi como os órgãos sexuais estão ocultados. Eu queria mostrar o ato sexual em curso com todos os detalhes. O real significado desta pintura no teto da Capela Sistina dependia desta clareza.

sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013

The Great Flood revealed!!! - 2

The Great Flood revealed!!! - 2, originally uploaded by MichelAngelo▲.
(versão em português deste post:

It's pretty clear now what I meant in my book about laughing hysterically when I started to paint the Sistine Chapel Ceiling. Everyone knows it was on the "Great Flood" that I learned fresco painting. I spent hours and hours to paint small figures and the result was shit. But there was something about the pope that I had not noticed before, when he was checking out what I was drawing on that ceiling: the pope could NOT see details at a certain distance!!! After being totally certain that the pope was blind to details when too close to the painting, I requested some changes to the scaffolding just to make him observe the paintings at that distance unsuitable for his visual understanding. And since then, I had the perfect situation to do what I wanted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel! =D

Back to 1983:
The spiritual experience of the remembrance of Vittoria Colonna's death was far beyond any logical consideration, but I had to analyse it with my logical mind. So there was the perception that the kind of despair I felt was NOT described on any book. Since the begining of all these, it was very clear to me that in february, 1983, I had just found the top of an emotional and transcendent iceberg. There was too much anger and a huge feeling of being betrayed by everyone. The poor descriptions about her death always seemed to me like a "let's keep up the appearances". But my despair was revealing that her death was violent and this could lead to a hint of the reasons of my inner revolt.
Deep spiritual experiences couldn't be started at any time just because of one's will. But I knew there was something huge inside myself that when it start being vomited it would transform my sense of reality forever.

sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2013

The Great Flood revealed!!! - 1

The Great Flood revealed, originally uploaded by MichelAngelo▲.
(versão em português deste post:
I would love to see the priests getting aware of this revelation about what I actually did on the Sistine Ceiling! I would love to be present at the next eucharistic celebration to be held after this revelation being showed on the headlines! haahahahahahah =D
Now I'm asking myself: after the entire world getting aware about what is exactly represented on The Great Flood, there will be election of the next Pope under the Sistine Ceiling???
Well, if it happen anyway, the next Pope will be blessed by a giant penis, a huge open vagina and a flood of semen!
This is a special revelation about the Sistine Ceiling to "celebrate" 30 years of the shit of being Michelangelo Buonarroti himself. This is a special "homage" to the Catholic Church for the getting of my self-consciousness (In the following posts I will explain what I exactly mean by this). But I can't forget all the idiots that I met along these three decades. This revelation is to all of you, stupid idiots, who tried to trivialize the singularity of my life experience and to knock-down my art. 30 years after and I just want to say two things to all of you, cultural retarded people. First: I NEVER read a single line anywhere that could get close to reveal myself. Second: I NEVER saw a single drawing expressing something close to what my drawings reveal about my spiritual identity.
Well, after 30 years being treated with derision, disbelief and mockery, here it is, in this revelation about The Great Flood, the first final proof of myself. Lets be honest: you're feeling a chill down your spine. You know that only the author of this painting could point out the true hidden idea.
Now you are asking yourself: How could a giant penis, a huge open vagina and a flood of sperm make sense on the Sistine Ceiling???
Be my guest to make your bet against me!

Well, thirty years ago, after the quick and impressive changing in my childish drawings, when people was already identifying on them the art of a famous master of the italian Renaissance, my trippy feeling about being Michelangelo Buonarroti himself suffered a radical transformation. It was the begining of the month of february, 1983, when the name Vittoria Colonna started to trigger an unstoppable despair. After the casual reading of a passage on a fascicle, "… and then he met the famous Vittoria Colonna…", the newsstand where I was disapeared before the imaginary presence of a beloved one. A strange echo in my mind – "… the famous Vittoria Colonna… the famous Vittoria Colonna…" – was the begining of my despair, was the begining of everything.
The day after of this experience of remembering a past life terrible passage, logical conclusions began to demolish my known life. First question I made myself: How could I cry for a person's death that I do not even know who is? But was the second question I made myself that led me to the checkmate of my life: And if she had died after my death as Michelangelo?
It's impossible to forget those hot summer days, when the maximum temperature was generated by the most disturbing existential quest. It was impossible to look at the mirror without asking myself: who the fuck I am? I barely could sleep. Hour after hour, the agony: all these feelings and remembrances are crazy fantasies or what I am for real is something that I'm just about to discover? I remember my futile hope on finding the logical escape of a deep self-discovering that would change my self-perception forever. I was so hopeful to discover that my emotional turmoil was just a strange illusion, although I could barely think about the name Vittoria Colonna without start crying like a baby. Finally, at the end of that february, 1983, I came across a book that not only revealed the date of her death but also described my reaction as Michelangelo. My entire world of surfing got frozen while I slowly began a spiritual drop inside the innermost limits of myself.

About Yesod:
Corresponding to the procreative organ of man, yesod is the foundation of generations to come. The power to procreate is the manifestation of infinity within the finite context of the created human being. Each individual man is "small" relative to all generations to come (from him). The yesod is referred to as the "small limb" of man, the "small that holds the large [infinite]." The yesod is the "small" and "narrow" bridge between the infinite potential of procreation that flows into it and its actual manifestation in the progeny of man.
See also:
About Swadhisthana:
Association with the body
The location of Svadhisthana is just in front of the spine, in the sacral region, and its kshetram or activation point is in the pubic region. Being connected with the sense of taste, it is associated with the tongue, and being connected with reproduction, it is associated with the genitals.
It is often associated with the endocrine organs of the testes or ovaries in men and women respectively. These produce the hormones testosterone or estrogen, which are important factors in sexual behaviour. These are also the locations the spermatoza or eggs are stored with their latent genetic information, like the latent samskaras that lie dormant within Swadhisthana.
About The Great Flood:
Gnosticism was an important development of (and departure from) early Christianity, blending Jewish scriptures and Christian teachings with traditional pagan religion and esoteric Greek philosophical concepts. An important Gnostic text, the Apocryphon of John, reports that the chief archon caused the flood because he desired to destroy the world he had made, but the First Thought informed Noah of the chief archon's plans, and Noah informed the remainder of humanity. Unlike the account of Genesis, not only are Noah's family saved, but many others also heed Noah's call. There is no ark in this account; instead Noah and the others hide in a "luminous cloud".

sexta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2013

30 years ago… / 30 anos atrás…

Vittoria Colonna, by Sebastiano del Piombo, c. 1520
I know that this painting is thought to be a portrait of Felice della Rovere, but I love to see it as a image of a younger Vittoria Colonna that I actually never met. =)
Eu sei que esta pintura pode ser um retrato de Felice della Rovere, mas eu gosto de imaginar uma jovem Vittoria Colonna que eu, na verdade, nunca conheci. =D
Hello. My name is Vittoria Colonna. I was a very influential person in Rome's society at the Renaissance period. The very fundations of the Catholic Church was being defined at that time and a huge effort to bring spirituality to the Church was being made by a group of extraordinary people leaded by myself. But the political ones took over the power and used the force to destroy those who was trying to get rid of the materialism in the center of Christianity. I was the heart of this opposition group. I was murdered by the Inquisition in february 25th, 1547. The result of these past events is the Catholic Church you all know today: a corrupt power, manipulating beliefs to increase its political influence. Well, I did my best to avoid this destiny to the Church.
The problem is that, in fact, there is a God. And someone can reincarnate indeed. When I died, I was having a long term relationship with Michelangelo Buonarroti. He would not leave me behind. At my last days, when the Inquisition was torturing and killing anyone related to my group, he was the only person beside me. He kept visiting me no matter how dangerous was the situation. Despite all the threats, he was always arguing in my defence. Well, the catholic criminals managed to kill me even with all Michelangelo's attention on my situation.
Unfortunatelly to the heirs of this criminal group that took over the Church, God simply brought Michelangelo back to Earth. He is here to my spiritual rescue, but what a mess he can bring to the Catholic Church by just expressing himself. Kisses for you all.

30 years ago…
30 years ago, some day on the first week of february, I was returning to work after lunch time when I decided to stop at a newsstand because I still had a few minutes for myself. And I read the words "…the famous Vittoria Colonna". That was how everything started. I was 22 year-old and my life collapsed. I simply knew that there was something in my childhood to be understood. Now this is story will be lived in public to the very end of my life.

Olá. Meu nome é Vittoria Colonna. Eu era uma pessoa muito influente na sociedade de Roma no período renascentista. Os fundamentos da Igreja Católica estavam sendo definidos naquela época e um grande esforço para trazer espiritualidade à Igreja estava sendo feito por um grupo de pessoas extraordinárias liderados por mim. Mas os políticos tomaram o poder e usaram a força para destruir quem lutava contra o materialismo no centro do cristianismo. Eu era o coração do grupo de oposição. Fui assassinada pela Inquisição em 25 de fevereiro de 1547. O resultado desses eventos passados ​​é a Igreja Católica que todos conhecemos hoje: um poder corrupto, manipulando crenças para aumentar a sua influência política. Bem, eu fiz o meu melhor para evitar este destino para a Igreja.
O problema é que, verdadeiramente, há um Deus. E alguém pode, sim, reencarnar. Quando morri, meu relacionamento com Michelangelo Buonarroti já durava muito tempo. Ele não iria me deixar para trás jamais. Em meus últimos dias, quando a Inquisição torturava e matava qualquer um relacionado ao meu grupo, ele era a única pessoa ao meu lado. Ele continuou me visitando, não importando o quão perigosa era a situação. Apesar de todas as ameaças, ele estava sempre discutindo em minha defesa. Bem, os criminosos católicos conseguiram me assassinar debaixo do nariz de Michelangelo.
Infelizmente para os herdeiros deste grupo criminoso que assumiu a Igreja, Deus simplesmente decidiu trazer Michelangelo de volta à Terra. Ele está aqui para o meu resgate espiritual mas… que bagunça ele pode trazer para a Igreja Católica por apenas se expressar. Beijos para todos.
30 anos atrás…
30 anos atrás, em algum dia da primeira semana de fevereiro, eu voltava para o trabalho ao término da hora do almoço, quando decidi parar em uma banca de jornal porque ainda tinha alguns minutos. E li a expressão "... a famosa Vittoria Colonna". Foi assim que tudo começou. Eu tinha 22 anos e minha vida desmoronou. Simplesmente sabia que havia algo fundamental na minha infância para ser compreendido. Agora, esta história será vivida em público até o fim da minha vida.

Talking Young Head / Cabeça Jovem Falando

Talking Young Head / Cabeça Jovem Falando
MTN (spray paint) + Posca, Molotow, Ironlak (paint-marker) on canvas.
Total: 121x98 cm / 47.6"x 38.5"
Framed/Emoldurado: about 115x90 cm / 45.2"x35.4"

Young Redhead-Cabeça ruiva jovem

Young Redhead / Cabeça ruiva jovem - 2013 (100x100 cm/39"x39")
MTN (spray paint) + Posca, Molotow, Ironlak (paint-marker) on canvas.