sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2013

The Great Flood revealed!!! - 1

The Great Flood revealed, originally uploaded by MichelAngelo▲.
(versão em português deste post: http://icarocontemplacaoesonho.blogspot.com.br/)
I would love to see the priests getting aware of this revelation about what I actually did on the Sistine Ceiling! I would love to be present at the next eucharistic celebration to be held after this revelation being showed on the headlines! haahahahahahah =D
Now I'm asking myself: after the entire world getting aware about what is exactly represented on The Great Flood, there will be election of the next Pope under the Sistine Ceiling???
Well, if it happen anyway, the next Pope will be blessed by a giant penis, a huge open vagina and a flood of semen!
This is a special revelation about the Sistine Ceiling to "celebrate" 30 years of the shit of being Michelangelo Buonarroti himself. This is a special "homage" to the Catholic Church for the getting of my self-consciousness (In the following posts I will explain what I exactly mean by this). But I can't forget all the idiots that I met along these three decades. This revelation is to all of you, stupid idiots, who tried to trivialize the singularity of my life experience and to knock-down my art. 30 years after and I just want to say two things to all of you, cultural retarded people. First: I NEVER read a single line anywhere that could get close to reveal myself. Second: I NEVER saw a single drawing expressing something close to what my drawings reveal about my spiritual identity.
Well, after 30 years being treated with derision, disbelief and mockery, here it is, in this revelation about The Great Flood, the first final proof of myself. Lets be honest: you're feeling a chill down your spine. You know that only the author of this painting could point out the true hidden idea.
Now you are asking yourself: How could a giant penis, a huge open vagina and a flood of sperm make sense on the Sistine Ceiling???
Be my guest to make your bet against me!

Well, thirty years ago, after the quick and impressive changing in my childish drawings, when people was already identifying on them the art of a famous master of the italian Renaissance, my trippy feeling about being Michelangelo Buonarroti himself suffered a radical transformation. It was the begining of the month of february, 1983, when the name Vittoria Colonna started to trigger an unstoppable despair. After the casual reading of a passage on a fascicle, "… and then he met the famous Vittoria Colonna…", the newsstand where I was disapeared before the imaginary presence of a beloved one. A strange echo in my mind – "… the famous Vittoria Colonna… the famous Vittoria Colonna…" – was the begining of my despair, was the begining of everything.
The day after of this experience of remembering a past life terrible passage, logical conclusions began to demolish my known life. First question I made myself: How could I cry for a person's death that I do not even know who is? But was the second question I made myself that led me to the checkmate of my life: And if she had died after my death as Michelangelo?
It's impossible to forget those hot summer days, when the maximum temperature was generated by the most disturbing existential quest. It was impossible to look at the mirror without asking myself: who the fuck I am? I barely could sleep. Hour after hour, the agony: all these feelings and remembrances are crazy fantasies or what I am for real is something that I'm just about to discover? I remember my futile hope on finding the logical escape of a deep self-discovering that would change my self-perception forever. I was so hopeful to discover that my emotional turmoil was just a strange illusion, although I could barely think about the name Vittoria Colonna without start crying like a baby. Finally, at the end of that february, 1983, I came across a book that not only revealed the date of her death but also described my reaction as Michelangelo. My entire world of surfing got frozen while I slowly began a spiritual drop inside the innermost limits of myself.

About Yesod:
Corresponding to the procreative organ of man, yesod is the foundation of generations to come. The power to procreate is the manifestation of infinity within the finite context of the created human being. Each individual man is "small" relative to all generations to come (from him). The yesod is referred to as the "small limb" of man, the "small that holds the large [infinite]." The yesod is the "small" and "narrow" bridge between the infinite potential of procreation that flows into it and its actual manifestation in the progeny of man.
See also: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yesod_(Kabbalah)
About Swadhisthana:
Association with the body
The location of Svadhisthana is just in front of the spine, in the sacral region, and its kshetram or activation point is in the pubic region. Being connected with the sense of taste, it is associated with the tongue, and being connected with reproduction, it is associated with the genitals.
It is often associated with the endocrine organs of the testes or ovaries in men and women respectively. These produce the hormones testosterone or estrogen, which are important factors in sexual behaviour. These are also the locations the spermatoza or eggs are stored with their latent genetic information, like the latent samskaras that lie dormant within Swadhisthana.
About The Great Flood:
Gnosticism was an important development of (and departure from) early Christianity, blending Jewish scriptures and Christian teachings with traditional pagan religion and esoteric Greek philosophical concepts. An important Gnostic text, the Apocryphon of John, reports that the chief archon caused the flood because he desired to destroy the world he had made, but the First Thought informed Noah of the chief archon's plans, and Noah informed the remainder of humanity. Unlike the account of Genesis, not only are Noah's family saved, but many others also heed Noah's call. There is no ark in this account; instead Noah and the others hide in a "luminous cloud".

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