sexta-feira, 30 de julho de 2010

The War Of MABUS - Who is the great imbecile?

The Resurrection - Study for a figure - The Rapture or Ganymede
Here we have two idiots from different parts of the world.
The first one, some fucking "hopelesslyinlovedu", claimed to be "well-educated". But he came to the conclusion that I'm copying my own work (of my italian life). I asked him to show me the originals that he thinks I'm copying. He simply refused to argue with me. So what would be the reason that an asshole like him had to write this comment below my video The Messiah on YouTube?

no, this guy thinks his the reincarnation of Michelangelo, so he copies Michelangelo's work. the only think I have to say is that any averagely-talented art student is able to do this.

Of course this blockhead just wanted to attack me. Since he didn't discuss any point with me, I decided to show what kind of shit I have been finding around the world.

The second idiot is some Mark Anthony that showed up on my FaceBook page.
He asked me about the books he thinks I'm using to make my drawings.
But I'm really surprised to see that my drawings could be considered copies when they are not.

But after all these "misunderstandings" (these two imbeciles cannot understand what they see), I will show a person who thinks the opposite! I will show one jerk that thinks my art work has nothing to do with Michelangelo (my old self)!!! I will call her The Old Pothead Lady.

The contrast of these impressions about me IS the main aspect of my personal war - The War Of MABUS. There's a wide gap in today's culture. After the brainwash of the XX century, the entire world has the SAME comprehension about art: is equal to some "scientific search". In every corner of this stupid planet I have met the same kind of people. It's easy to see that nobody wants to leave the mainstream.

sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2010

The War Of MABUS - The retarded number 2

Old Head
Andreas Gosch said:
You've got phenomenal works on your stream! Probably you are not the reincarnation of Michelangelo, but you are close to to him.
My reply:
Just a question, Andreas Gosch…
If I show you a proof of my artistic identity, how would be your reaction?

After this mystic opinion (I am close to him… wow…) of this imbecile, I understood that being polite won't lead me anywhere.
I have a lifetime of proofs of being not a reincarnation but being Michelangelo himself for a second time. But how could I get a chance to explain that with all this silence around me?
And what kind of proof this asshole will be able to think about?
I really want to see the face of those idiots the day that I open a few secrets of my art. Whatever…
Well, from that point, I decided to be the most rude I could be replying in english. (This is probably why most brazilians are mute: we speak the same language. There would be no boundaries for my violence in portuguese).
From now on, it's WAR!

Traduzindo a postagem de forma resumida:
Depois de me elogiar, um boçal chamado Andreas Gosch me disse que acha que eu não seja a reencarnação de Michelangelo. Mas, em tom místico, acha que estou "perto dele".
Eu lhe perguntei, então, qual seria a sua reação caso eu apresentasse uma prova de ser o próprio Michelangelo. Sinceramente, eu achei que ele me perguntaria por tal prova, mas não houve resposta.
Nesse ponto, eu comecei a entender que a minha postura educada inicial não ajudava na divulgação da minha experiência de vida. Foi então que decidi sair chutando a cara desses gringos babacas pra ver se algum imbecil resolveria me enfrentar. Acabou dando certo com uma americana, que apelidei de "Velha Maconheira".
Comentei, também, que eu acho que a galera brasileira está calada porque a minha violência em português não teria limites. Bem, isso é fato, mas acho que ninguém ainda se animou a me atacar porque tem outros meios para fazê-lo. Porém, teve gente que me "atacou" por email (não foi bem um ataque, mas eu estou considerando como tal para ter assunto no blog, rrsssss).